
Trixie's Waltz

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NOTE: This short story is written around a song by Makkon06, please read the description to listen to the song before or during the story, as it was written with that song as the focus.

"Trixie, you are a talent." The Great and Powerful Trixie closed the door to her trailer behind her. She had just finished another show in Trottingham, and it had gone over spectacularly. She sat down in front of her mirror and removed her hat and cloak.

Those were her most prized and most beloved treasures, under them she was somepony great, somepony that everyone wanted to see and laugh with and be amazed by. She felt invincible under that hat, like she could take on the world, but more importantly, she felt something else under that hat and cloak.

She felt loved.

Trixie went over to her gramophone, another of her prized possessions. It was one of the few things she always took with her on her travels as she roamed Equestria, a restless soul looking for a place to find love.

Slow music started to flow from the device, filling the trailer with a smooth, sad melody. Trixie slowly brought her forelegs to a waltz position, her right hoof hanging in the air by itself. She drifted back and forth, her eyes closed. This was her favorite song, she listened to it every single night, waltzing to it's calming melody.

She felt the sound take over her movements, moving about the room in a lonely waltz. Trixie felt calm, but it was a sad calm, one that was not brought by peace, but by an accepted sorrow. The music moved her throughout the trailer as she danced by herself. She turned to the rack that held her hat and cloak and bowed in front of it.

"Shall I have this dance?"

A blue pony with white hair stepped forward, she was wearing a blue hat adorned with stars and a blue cloak that seemed to shimmer with a beautiful glow. Trixie joined hooves with the pony, their bodies intertwined with each other in a waltzing position.

Trixie began to dance, matching step by step with the other pony. Their movements moved Trixie throughout the room, keeping pace with one another. Trixie closed her eyes once more, feeling the warmth of their arm around her midsection and the embrace of their hoof in hers.

She danced with this other pony amidst her trailer, feeling completely at peace with herself and the world, she felt as though nothing she did mattered anymore because she had found all she had ever wanted.

She felt that at last, she could die in peace. All she ever wanted was to have someone remember who she was, someone to notice her, someone to know she existed. She just wanted to be loved by someone, anyone. If she could make someone, even one person miss her when she would be gone, it would have all been worth it.

She leaned her head into the shoulder of the other blue pony and simply danced. Waltzing with the apparition she felt like she could finally stop this endless journey she had been traveling so long.

The song picked up it's pace causing the two ponies to step faster about the room. Trixie closed her eyes harder as she danced faster and faster, each step squeezing the apparition tighter to her heart desperately.

The song reached it's ending, announcing itself with loud, rhythmic clashes. Trixie stopped at the end, her heart aching from every emotion in her soul. She opened her eyes to an empty room, she was alone once more.

She dropped her forelegs back onto the floor and stepped over to the mirror. She looked into the mirror and saw herself wearing her hat and cloak. She looked into her eyes and saw the lonely gaze returned by her reflection.

She brought her hoof up to the mirror and the pony on the other side of the glass embraced her touch. She sat there grasping hooves with the pony in the other side of the glass. Her gaze dropped down to her desk and she placed her forehead on the mirrored glass.


Her eyes could no longer contain her emotions, they let her sadness and loneliness pour out of her eyelids and streak down her face.

"I'm right here...."

She sobbed for what seemed like hours, letting herself be taken over by her deep sorrow.

"Where are you?"

"Please, someone...."

"I'm  right here...."

A short story based on a song made about the Great an Powerful Trixie, it is an incrediblely deep song that is about the side of her that just wants to be loved.
Listen to it here: [link]

This story is written for Trixie and people like her, may they find purpose as they dance alone...

I wrote this in about an hour. Let me know what you guys think.

"Behind every puff of smoke,

behind every burst of sparks,

behind every show of hand,

lays a person, an artist, just wanting people's approval, people's affection, people's attention.

Someone who just wants people to know who they are, to be loved, so they leave behind a part of themselves with this world...

Someone who just wants someone to remember they exsist...

Trixie, may your soul find love as you dance to the music of your lonely desires..."
-FasterThanRainbows (Youtube)
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